Bit-tech Case Mod Index
Has your case seen better days? Not sure where to start when it comes to modding it? Well Bit-tech now has a one-stop-shop for inspiration, guides and general knowledge when it comes to modding your case. The
bit-tech Case Mod Index makes it easy to see what other modders have done with specific cases, meaning you'll be up and running with your own project log in no time.
You're able to choose cases by manufacturer and go straight to the relevant project log or article for more information on how to mod your case - great if you're not sure how, or lacking some inspiration. We've even listed whether or not the mod was water-cooled so you can see exactly what fits and how.
We've started with a small selection of projects but they'll be updated regularly as new projects are finished to grow the database. They include an alphabetical listing of case manufacturers and cases and all the projects that have been submitted using that particular case.

The Index is now sponsored by
Specialtech, who will be dishing out a great prize each month to a random project owner - to be in with a chance of winning, just submit your project using the instructions below.
We need you're help to grow the index, so if you've finished modding your PC, then we'd love to add yours to the Case Mod Index - you can do this by emailing with'
Submit My Mod' in the subject line. You're mod must be complete with noticeable modifications (these can include spray paint/powder-coat or installed water-cooling hardware. You'll also need to include the following information:
- Forum name
- Case (make and model)
- URL to your project log (which must be in bit-tech's project log forum)
- Project name
- Whether or not your PC is water-cooled
This is not for scratch-built cases and make sure your project log's photos are visible - ie you're photobucket account hasn't expired!
We'll be adding more projects to the database regularly so be sure to check back often to see all the new projects!
Current Stats:
Number of projects: 111
Top three case manufacturers: Cooler Master (24), Lian Li (21), SilverStone (13)
Top three popular cases: Silver Stone TJ-07 (7), Cooler Master ATCS 840 (5), Corsair Graphite 600T (4)
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